Savina Atai – the levitating little girl who traded enlightenment for a vibrator, started living her life, and now helps thousands of Women ignite their golden hormones.  

Before the age of nine, Savina had been baptised in 6 different religions, gone through more than 100 spiritual initiations, and mastered advanced yogi, Taoist, and shamanistic techniques. She later swore never to return to the realm of spirituality again.



I spent the first few years of my life in and out of hospital, as a result of being born prematurely and contracting blood poisoning during delivery. Later, hospitals were exchanged for churches, temples, and the feet of the world’s greatest gurus. I was the golden-haired, freckled little girl who had drunk enough holy water to fill an ocean.

Before I attended primary school, I learned yogi flying (an advanced siddhi course in yogi flying) from Maharishi Mahesh yogi, the father of transcendental meditation at the Seelisberg castle in Switzerland.

On the way from Medžugorje, a village with reported sightings of Mother Mary. we had a car accident.

My mother immediately told me that we had the car accident because I had left the church after hours of uninterrupted prayer to get some fresh air. I had evoked the wrath of God. I was to blame.

I was taken to the hospital in Bosnia where the doctors stitched me up as best they could then I was rushed, unconscious, to the emergency room in Ljubljana. The inflammation in my injured leg was so severe that it began transforming into gangrene. I was at risk of losing my leg. The doctors were contemplating amputation.

They were so focused on my leg that they overlooked the fact that a part of my sacrum had been crushed during the car accident. During my extended stay in the hospital and mandatory bed rest, my injured sacrum healed improperly. My mother visited me in the hospital in the company of missionaries, bioenergetic healers, and Jehovah’s witnesses. They prayed over my sickbed and brought me red beet juice.

My mother never took me to physiotherapy. Instead, we embarked on a lengthy spiritual and nutritional expedition to America. There, we lived with the queen of chlorophyll and the inventor of green juices Ann Wigmore at the famous Hippocrates Health Institute. We had nothing but sprouts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and wheat grass for dessert.

Next, we moved to the macrobiotic institute of Michio Kushi where we were the only people not suffering from AIDS or in the final stages of cancer. Every single meal consisted of brown rice, a small portion of cooked vegetables (chopped and sliced according to the yin and yang principle), and a pinch of roasted sesame. We had to chew every piece of food a hundred times in order to activate the digestive enzymes in our mouths.

We departed from the clinic of the dying and travelled to Montana to see Elisabeth Clare Prophet, a guru and the leader of the I AM movement. There, we woke up long before sunrise in order to recite mantras that would summon the Ascended Masters.

I was nine years old when I told my mother that her partner was hugging me in very weird ways. That he was touching me. My mother’s new partner, and the father of my half-brothers, was a priest who had left the church. My mother looked at me with cold, accusing eyes and said: ‘I’m not surprised. You are the one walking around the apartment in your underwear! You are trying to seduce him. You are trying to steal him from me.’

When the person whom you love more than anything, who is the holiest to you, and who is supposed to know what’s best for you tells you that something is your fault, you believe them. You believe them and you realise that you are worthless.


My mother’s partner continued touching and sexually abusing me for years to come. The abuse only got worse with each time it happened. My first intimate experience with a man was my step-father’s abuse.

When my little brother was ten months old, he suddenly got diarrhoea and started to wither away before our very eyes. My mother gave him carrot juice to drink and prayed for him. Three days later I went down on my knees and begged her to take him to the hospital. Next morning, she really did take him to the hospital. Seven days later he died there. His brain had stopped working.


My mother blamed me for his death. She had tried to pray my father’s Satanic seed away from my soul for years, but she failed. I was the one who told her to take her son to the hospital. And that was where he died. I was to blame.

Savina Atai – the levitating little girl who traded enlightenment for a vibrator, started living her life, and now helps thousands of Women ignite their golden hormones.  

Before the age of nine, Savina had been baptised in 6 different religions, gone through more than 100 spiritual initiations, and mastered advanced yogi, Taoist, and shamanistic techniques. She later swore never to return to the realm of spirituality again.



I spent the first few years of my life in and out of hospital, as a result of being born prematurely and contracting blood poisoning during delivery. Later, hospitals were exchanged for churches, temples, and the feet of the world’s greatest gurus. I was the golden-haired, freckled little girl who had drunk enough holy water to fill an ocean.

Before I attended primary school, I learned yogi flying (an advanced siddhi course in yogi flying) from Maharishi Mahesh yogi, the father of transcendental meditation at the Seelisberg castle in Switzerland.

On the way from Medžugorje, a village with reported sightings of Mother Mary. we had a car accident.

My mother immediately told me that we had the car accident because I had left the church after hours of uninterrupted prayer to get some fresh air. I had evoked the wrath of God. I was to blame.

I was taken to the hospital in Bosnia where the doctors stitched me up as best they could then I was rushed, unconscious, to the emergency room in Ljubljana. The inflammation in my injured leg was so severe that it began transforming into gangrene. I was at risk of losing my leg. The doctors were contemplating amputation.

They were so focused on my leg that they overlooked the fact that a part of my sacrum had been crushed during the car accident. During my extended stay in the hospital and mandatory bed rest, my injured sacrum healed improperly. My mother visited me in the hospital in the company of missionaries, bioenergetic healers, and Jehovah’s witnesses. They prayed over my sickbed and brought me red beet juice.

My mother never took me to physiotherapy. Instead, we embarked on a lengthy spiritual and nutritional expedition to America. There, we lived with the queen of chlorophyll and the inventor of green juices Ann Wigmore at the famous Hippocrates Health Institute. We had nothing but sprouts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and wheat grass for dessert.

Next, we moved to the macrobiotic institute of Michio Kushi where we were the only people not suffering from AIDS or in the final stages of cancer. Every single meal consisted of brown rice, a small portion of cooked vegetables (chopped and sliced according to the yin and yang principle), and a pinch of roasted sesame. We had to chew every piece of food a hundred times in order to activate the digestive enzymes in our mouths.

We departed from the clinic of the dying and travelled to Montana to see Elisabeth Clare Prophet, a guru and the leader of the I AM movement. There, we woke up long before sunrise in order to recite mantras that would summon the Ascended Masters.

I was nine years old when I told my mother that her partner was hugging me in very weird ways. That he was touching me. My mother’s new partner, and the father of my half-brothers, was a priest who had left the church. My mother looked at me with cold, accusing eyes and said: ‘I’m not surprised. You are the one walking around the apartment in your underwear! You are trying to seduce him. You are trying to steal him from me.’

When the person whom you love more than anything, who is the holiest to you, and who is supposed to know what’s best for you tells you that something is your fault, you believe them. You believe them and you realise that you are worthless.


My mother’s partner continued touching and sexually abusing me for years to come. The abuse only got worse with each time it happened. My first intimate experience with a man was my step-father’s abuse.

When my little brother was ten months old, he suddenly got diarrhoea and started to wither away before our very eyes. My mother gave him carrot juice to drink and prayed for him. Three days later I went down on my knees and begged her to take him to the hospital. Next morning, she really did take him to the hospital. Seven days later he died there. His brain had stopped working.


My mother blamed me for his death. She had tried to pray my father’s Satanic seed away from my soul for years, but she failed. I was the one who told her to take her son to the hospital. And that was where he died. I was to blame.



Wayne Dyer was my first magnifying glass, my twin soul, and my clearest mirror.

Although I was officially at odds with spirituality, I continued searching for myself. I was searching for someone who would see my greatness and my misery, my divinity and my ego.

Wayne Dyer was this person for me. He felt me, saw me, and enlarged me.

Surrounded by people, surrounded by the city of London, we were alone.

Wayne saw all the devils and angels within me. He saw my divinity and my ego. He saw my past, my present, and my future. He heard my thoughts, my doubts, my vision, my hopes, and my desperation. He saw me at the core of my being, without masks, costumes, and without bones. It was as though I was transparent, and he was an x-ray.

Wayne Dyer was my first magnifying glass, my twin soul, and my clearest mirror.

Although I was officially at odds with spirituality, I continued searching for myself. I was searching for someone who would see my greatness and my misery, my divinity and my ego.

Wayne Dyer was this person for me. He felt me, saw me, and enlarged me.

Surrounded by people, surrounded by the city of London, we were alone.

Wayne saw all the devils and angels within me. He saw my divinity and my ego. He saw my past, my present, and my future. He heard my thoughts, my doubts, my vision, my hopes, and my desperation. He saw me at the core of my being, without masks, costumes, and without bones. It was as though I was transparent, and he was an x-ray.

‘Savina, you write books. You are an incredible teacher,’ Wayne said to me. His words weren’t a question, they were an introduction. ‘You are the Sun. You have so much Light within you. So much Love.’

‘No. I don’t. I’m a Cosmopolitan reporter from Slovenia,’ I told him shyly.

‘Savina, you write books. You have so much knowledge. Did you see yourself on stage back there? Did you see the reactions of people? This is where you truly belong.’

Nothing he said was a compliment. Or flattery. Or encouragement. Everything he said was part of reality for him. It was a fact.

From that moment onwards he never, not even for a fraction of a second, doubted his vision of me, nor did he ever let it slip past his fingers. Never. Not even after his death.

I spent my whole life searching for switches that heal trauma, rehabilitate the endocrine system, and heal wounds.

On my spiritual journey I have met an astounding number of spiritual charlatans, yet at the same time, I have had the honour of studying under the purest, most knowledgeable experts on ancient medicine and true spirituality. 

Before I could recite my multiplication tables I knew how to find and activate all the meridians in the body.

I started researching and connecting all the knowledge I had gained for personal reasons. I was suffering from constant inflammation, collapses of the immune system, and hormonal collapses. All the extreme diets, stress, starving, and overeating that I had been subjected to as a child had completely thrown my body off balance.

Regardless of which book or source material I accessed, they all lead me to the endocrine system. While combining and using different skills and knowledge I always wondered what I could do to further increase its effectiveness. This led me to traditional Chinese medicine, more specifically to the biorhythm clock which functions both in nature as well as in our internal organs. When we do the right things at the right time, nature supports us, and our results maximise. This knowledge later also received the Nobel prize.

Out of all this knowledge I developed a system of face yoga which uses the activation of facial and cranial muscles to rejuvenate the face and smooth wrinkles as well as rehabilitate the pineal and pituitary glands. 

I combined all the knowledge that had been given to me on a silver platter when I was a little girl and transformed it into practical mathematical formulas. These formulas gave birth to a practical approach to spirituality with a healthy body, perky breasts, and lifted corners of the mouth.

The greatest turning point for me happened in 2017 when I finally unveiled all my collected knowledge and research in my copyright programme called 5 Women Within You. My ‘Online School’, which has hosted more than 3000 women in Slovenia alone, combines face yoga, breast exercises, nutritional knowledge, instruction on taking care of the endocrine system, emotional clarity, pleasure, and ovary lifting exercises. It is based on three golden cycles – the biorhythm clock, feminine cyclicality, and the daily meridian flow time-frames


Not only has the Yogini Face Lifting reignited my entire body, it has regenerated it to a point where my health has experienced a complete rebirth (at 38 I have the hormones of a teenager). I have personally studied and tested out the effects of these workouts and their healing impact on eliminating trauma from the body, healing repressed emotions, and nipping self-sabotage in the bud. Our ability to live our greatest potentials depends on the state of the glands in our brain. They determine whether we will thrive or remain trapped in a cage of belittling ourselves, shying away from the beauty in our lives, and preventing ourselves from reaching for the amazing life we deserve. I stand as proof of how incredibly our lives can transform, enlarge, and glow once we turn on our golden switches.


I moved my soul from my mother’s studio apartment into the Ljubljana CASTLE.

The place that had kept me alive as a little girl. The view of the Ljubljana castle gave me the drive I needed. Nine years after the release of my first book Trading Enlightenment for a Decent Vibrator I released a trilogy titled 9 YEARS AFTER ENLIGHTENMENT at the Ljubljana castle after more than 10 years of work, teaching, and building a community of 40.000 women. In this trilogy I finally bared the deepest, darkest corners of my heart to the world. 

The broken, damaged, and abused little girl from my past is now a brave woman with an open heart who boldly and clearly lives her vision and helps others to see and embody themselves with the same strength. I have transformed the wounds of my past into the wings I now sore on. I am finally WHOLE.