2nd Switch Introduction
Why is it so important and beneficial to have this switch turned on?
The HEART is the King of your internal organs that (among other things) is in charge of keeping your blood healthy and ensuring it provides proper nutrition to your entire body.
The THYMUS gland is the Queen. It is the main gland of your immune system and your golden factory of blood cells that protect you from viruses and bacteria.
Your King and Queen need a lot of space. Because of bad posture and incorrect breathing, the heart and the thymus gland often feel extremely compressed in our chest. Sometimes to such an extent that it is hard for them to function optimally. When we are born, our thymus gland is huge, then as we grow older it starts shrinking and drying out. In the past we even wrongfully assumed that the thymus atrophies with age. Well, it doesn’t.
All the exercises for the second switch will help give your king and queen enough space. When the heart and the thymus function optimally, your immune system shines, your face looks radiant, and your life is bright and full of love.
In Taoist medicine, which is very expressive, we like to say: “When your heart and thymus are compressed and wrinkled, so is your face.” I’ve prepared a plan that will help you turn on your switch of deep rejuvenation and set clear, healthy boundaries that will protect and support you both physically and energetically.
See more in the video bellow: