4th Switch Introduction
Why is it so important to activate this switch?
The adrenal glands are your body’s personal energy bank that loans you energy during times of stress and in Taoist medicine they belong to the element of water. The adrenal glands are also the home of the stress hormone cortisol. If your adrenal glands aren’t working properly and your energy bank is robbed of its riches, you can be overwhelmed by feelings of fear, panic, paranoia, and an inability to show courage, be decisive, or follow our inner wisdom. The adrenal glands need lots of rest and relaxation to recharge, regenerate, and deposit more energetic “currency” into our bank to protect you from burnout.
During the 10 days of this switch you will learn how to replenish your energy reserves, boost your rejuvenation, and empower yourself to follow your wisdom and find your life’s purpose.
For more information, check the video bellow.