8th Switch Introduction


Why is it so iportant to activate this switch?



Do you ever feel stuck or though your life is at a standstill? Imagine a city whose waste disposal unit is on strike. Not the best sight to see, right? Without a good organized waste disposal system in place, trash would completely overwhelm the streets and people’s homes. The same happens to your body if your lymphatic system isn’t functioning properly and flowing freely through your body. The more freely your lymph can flow, the more you go with the flow of life. When the waste that your cells produce and any excess water in your body are eliminated properly your body stays happy and healthy. That’s why we are going to dedicate the 10 Days of the eighth twitch of your immune system to your lymphatic system. This switch is crucial for both men and women, because lymph is our immune system’s first line of defence and when our lymphatic system isn’t functioning optimally we are weakened and vulnerable to all sorts of health problems.

Find out more in the video bellow.

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy & Strong Woman and a Super Powerful Man. It is also suitable for children.


THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity?

★ It flushes excess lymph from your face.

★ It strengthens the immune system by helping you eliminate water retention and flushing toxins out of your body.


THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ It lifts all your facial muscles and makes your face look more radiant.

★ It makes your face less puffy and swollen.

★ It makes you look glowing and youthful.

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy & Strong Woman and a Super Powerful Man. 

THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity??

★ It flushes out excess or stuck lymph and brings flow to your lymphatic system 

★ it boosts your immune system by helping your body eliminate toxins 

★ it helps reduce leg swelling, bloating, and vascular problems  

THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ it effectively melts cellulite 

★ it makes your skin firmer

★ it tones your legs 

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy and Strong Woman and a Super Powerful Man. It is also suitable for children!

THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity?

★ it flushes out excess lymph from your face, arms, legs, and abdomen 

★ it boosts your immune system 

★ it improves circulation 

THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ it lifts and rejuvenates your face 

★ it lifts your buttocks and tones your legs 

★ it melts cellulite 

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy and Strong Woman.

THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity?

★ when you live your life in flow, you also bring flow to your lymphatic system 

★ focusing on your wishes and thinking positively has a anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and healing effect on your entire body 

★ focusing on positive emotions brings you back to the present moment and helps you bring flow to old, stuck energies that no longer serve you 

★ focusing on positive emotions and thoughts cools your body down, and signals to the brain that it can switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is in charge of rest, rejuvenation, and healing.  


THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ healthy thoughts lead to a healthy body that glows from the inside out

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy and Strong Woman, and a Super Powerful Man. 

THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity?

★ it strengthens all 5 major internal organs: the heart, the lungs, the spleen, the liver, and the kidneys 

★ healthy and harmonious internal organs are the basis of a strong immune system. If your organs work together and support one another, they form a protective shield that keeps your body and mind happy and healthy

★ the inner smile of the 5 internal organs relaxes your nervous system and lowers your cortisol levels

★ a calm and cool nervous system is a prerequisite for good health because it enables all your internal organs to work together in harmony

THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ it gives you healthy and glowing skin 

★ it lifts the corners of your mouth and gives you a beautiful and alluring smile

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy & Strong Woman and a Super Strong Man.

How does Nataša’s super recipe help your skin stay young and radiant and slow the process of aging?

★ it teaches you how to take care of your skin properly at home (make sure that your skin care routine is not too aggressive!) 

★ it teaches you how to choose the best professional skin care treatments for you at the spa (the treatments should always be catered to you and your skin type!) 

★ it advises you on which foods you should add to your diet to stay youthful and healthy. An anti-age diet consists of eating enough healthy fats and eliminating all foods that can cause inflammation such as: processed sugar, gluten, trans fats and simple carbohydrates  

★ it helps you choose the right dietary supplements and superfoods for your unique needs such as: collagen, omega 3 and 9 fatty acids, and so on.

★ it helps you take care of your psychophysical health with meditation, breathing techniques, and exercise (yoga, pilates, running, walking, dancing…)

These exercises are suitable for all women and man.


THE JUICY & STRONG EFFECT: What are the benefits of connecting with the frequency of peace?

★ connecting to the energy of peace first thing in the morning nourishes your link to yourself and your subconscious  

★ it lowers your stress hormone levels and helps your body regenerate

★ it nourishes your soul which longs for connection and peace 

★ it brings stability and security to chaotic everyday life 

★ it helps you build the life of your dreams 

Who is this exercise for? For a Super Powerful Man and also for Juicy Women who sometimes snore. 😉

What Superpowers does today’s BRAIN REJUVENATION exercise grant you?

★ it alleviates headaches and dispels “brain fog” 

★ it helps balance your hormones 

★ it balances your left and right brain hemispheres 

★ this exercise wakes you up, boosts your productivity, and sharpens your focus. It also prevents your productivity from decreasing throughout the day

★ it lowers your risk of developing prostate issues


Who is this exercise for? A Super Strong Woman and Super Powerful Man.


What are the benefits of this ritual?

★ it strengthens your immune system 

★ it prevents infection 

★ it dispels thoughts of anxiety or depression and helps you ward off false information

★ it protects your mind and body by strengthening your spirit 

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy & Strong Woman.

JUICY & STRONG EFFECT: How will this manifestation technique improve your life?

It will help you deepen your connection with your current partner or help you manifest a new relationship. 

★ It rejuvenates and balances the feminine and masculine principles in you. 

★ It helps you manifest the intimate partnership you’ve always longed for. 

★ It paints a picture of what you want to attract into your heart’s vibration and helps you manifest it.

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