9th Switch Introduction


Why is it so iportant to activate this switch?



Modern medicine has recently started swearing by using stem cells whether it is for healing and treating illnesses or rejuvenation. Taoist medicine has been tapping into the power of stem cells for 4000 years. It’s time to merge modern medicine, cutting edge science and ancient wisdom and use them both to ensure our wellbeing, rejuvenation, and longevity. For thousands of years Taoist exercises for bone regeneration were the most sacred, secret, and coveted practices and in this switch, I am going to share some of them with you. Together we are going to activate your bones and your endocrine system, focus on the health of your skull, deeply rejuvenate your body, and activate your immune system. 

For more information, watch the video:

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy & Strong Woman and a Super Powerful Man. It is also suitable for children.


THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity?

★ it ensures your jaw is properly shaped and positioned

★ it puts just  the right amount of pressure on your facial bones which prevents you from losing bone density in your face and skull and also improves the health of your teeth 

THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ it fills your cheeks and makes them look juicier 

★ it lifts your face and makes your skin firmer 

★ it improves your face’s muscle tone and volume 

★ it tones your facial muscles and gives you a better face shape

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy & Strong Woman and a Super Powerful Man. 

THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity??

★ it strengthens your health and your immune system 

★ it keeps your bones and joints healthy and strong 

★ when done regularly it alleviates pain and reduces your risk of injury by improving the health of your bones by strengthening them and improving their circulation 

THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ it rejuvenates your bones and your entire body which consequently makes your face and skin look younger and firmer 

★ it strengthens your leg muscles and reduces cellulite

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy and Strong Woman and a Super Powerful Man. It is also suitable for children!

THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity?

★ it boosts your production of serotonin, dopamine, and neurotransmitters and helps you feel happier and more fulfilled 

★ it strengthens your immune system 

★ it alleviates symptoms of depression 

THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ it rejuvenates your body all the way to your bones 

★ it increases your production of love and happiness hormones, making you feel happier and more fulfilled, which affects the health and radiance of your skin 

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy and Strong Woman.

THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity?

★ it balances your hormones 

★ it alleviates the harmful effects of stress on your body

★ it supports your adrenal glands and their functions 

★ it improves your focus and concentration and boosts your energy levels throughout the day


THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ it makes your skin more radiant 

★ it gives you more energy by balancing your hormones and making you glow from the inside out

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy and Strong Woman, and a Super Powerful Man. 

THE STRONG EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Immunity?

★ it strengthens your immune system and all five key internal organs: the heart, the kidneys, the liver, the lungs, and the spleen 

★ it helps you sleep well and feel well rested which is crucial for good health 

★ it helps with feelings of depression and alleviates stress 

THE JUICY EFFECT: What does this exercise do for your Beauty?

★ it gives you beautiful and radiant skin

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy & Strong Woman and a Super Powerful Man.


Dr Mercola is a bestselling author who has written 15 books, 3 of which are New York Times bestsellers. He is also the owner of one of  the most popular health websites in the world. He is the author of numerous scientific studies and reports which were published in the most reputable medical journals, magazines, and publications. His contributions to health and medicine have won him several awards. Mantak Chia and I are truly proud and grateful that he has agreed to join the Juicy & Strong Bootcamp.

What are the benefits of Dr Mercola’s two health hacks?

★ a strengthened immune system

★ optimizing your vitamin D levels (most people are vitamin D deficient) helps you fight off and prevent infections, because vitamin D is one of the key vitamins that support your immune system  

★ a more balanced nutrition and learning to eat the right amount of healthy food in a shorter time frame 

★ more energy and feeling better overall  

★ they will help you lower your risk of developing the most common illnesses such as heart disease and heart attack, cancer, and Alzheimer’s   

These exercises are suitable for all women and man.

Angelina is a High Performance Coach who helps her clients around the world to improve their level of success in all areas of life from business, health, nutrition, and intimacy… because, as you already know, everything in life is connected. 

Angelina graduated in Economy at the National Academy of Sport Medicine so she knew that taking care of her clients’ physical health is as important as taking care of their business skills. But she quickly learned that there was one more key ingredient to health and success that had to be addressed in order for her and her clients to truly thrive – they had to work on fulfilling all aspects of their soul and their being. So Angelina started teaching them manifestation techniques, ways of unlocking one’s true potential, and secrets to making tactical and successful decisions. She later joined all these techniques and wisdom and created The Secret of Life, Holistic Health Clinic. 

THE JUICY & STRONG EFFECT: What are the benefits of the Magnetized Partnership exercise?

For Women:

★ by observing yourself in different phases of your cycle you will gain more understanding about yourself and your men will understand you better as a result

★ you will be able to plan your monthly activities with ease and adapt them to how you are feeling, how focused and motivated you are, and how much energy you have 

★ you will know when to take time for yourself 

For Men:

★ you will be able to understand your partner better 

★ you will know when to plan activities with her and when to give her her space and not expect anything from her

Who is this exercise for? For a Super Powerful Man.

What Superpowers does this exercise grant you?

★ it strengthens your joints, bones, and tendons 

★ it restores men’s energy and accumulates it in the kidneys, the prostate and the entire water center 

★ it boosts your strength and stability

★ it helps your joints and bones breathe 

★ it rejuvenates your kidneys and your sex hormones 


Who is this exercise for? A Super Strong Woman and Super Powerful Man.

Lien is an international holistic counselor and energetic healer who helps clients from all around the world reconnect with their soul. She is a Life Coach and the founder of Emerald Counseling which is based in Switzerland where she lives and works. Lien is known for being able to turn on your switch that invites your soul back into your body and ignites the light within you. This work her passion, her calling, and her soul purpose. 

What are the benefits of regularly performing the soul embodiment exercise?

★ this exercise will connect you with to the most important part of you – YOUR SOUL 

★ it will teach you how to call forth a feeling of deep peace, fulfillment, and joy 

★ it will help you become aware of your wishes and your soul’s purpose in life 

★ it will help you live a juicy and strong life aligned with your soul 

★ it will help you live in the light 

Who is this exercise for? A Juicy & Strong Woman.

JUICY & STRONG EFFECT: What are the benefits of facial diagnostics?

★ you can read everything about the state of your body and your internal organs from your face 

★ you will learn about the connection between different parts of your face and your internal organs and what they mean for your health 

★ you will notice your body’s first warning signs when they show up on your face and you will know exactly which organ needs your loving attention to start functioning optimally again  

★ you will be encouraged to take even better care of your body and your face, because you will realize that the state of your body and your internal organs is reflected on your face and vice versa, which will consequently make you healthier, more radiant, and youthful

★ it will help you gain a deeper understanding of Tao Face Yoga and the exercises that you have been doing during all 10 Switches

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